Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wow!! I must say I’m impressed on so many levels, also I just realized that our post are public and anybody can see them..I can’t even disagree with half the things you said, you are right on so many levels, but for the most part I honestly think we think do have different ways of thinking..
It’s umm sort of complicated,  but what I noticed is that a lot of the “Black Movies” that come out are exactly that “Black Movies” and the cast & crew will say that this is a “Black Movie” I have a huge problem with that..I mean if you are in a position to make movies as a black person you have the ability to integrate the talent as I said movies are a huge influence, and yes it may be true a lot of white people don’t see “Black Movies” is most simple they simply can’t relate, but if they can relate to or like an actor playing if the film the chances increase that they will see that movie…any way like I was saying I mean if you are a Black Producer why wouldn’t you want to make a film that attract the masses, while still holding on to your  pride so to speak…
And to me there is no “their” way of thinking, it’s only our way and some people may be a little bit detached from that with their radical views…I have pride in myself not necessarily my color but myself meaning everything to where I come from, my parents, neighborhoods that I have grown up in, people that I have met, places I have been, and what I want to do with my life all that attributes to who I am and that is what I have pride in..
I told some body  one day no matter what color I am or what color the other person is, we both bleed “red” ….And I remember what I told my grand-mother  “I think that I am not black, but I am a diamond that reflects all colors” now please don’t take the last comment literal…
But yes maybe I don’t hang out with enough Black People; I will try and change that hopefully some interesting ones will come around…
Again I look forward to your response…

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